Tuesday 7 January 2014

Happy New Year from the B litter

Since my last update it has been a very busy and eventful Christmas and new year.  I held the last training session of the year for the A litter on Sunday 22 December at Exmouth college.

Unfortunately Annie couldn’t make it due to the weather.

Pictured above are the A litter minus Argo who arrived late due to me not including Lyn on my e- mail advising everyone of an earlier start. I promise to do better in 2014. Pictured on the far left with me is 3 month old Yogi who is our latest addition and he was totally unfazed by all the bigger dogs and looks a very good prospect.

We did some tracking training and introduced the dogs to person searching. Person searching is where the dog is sent to search for criminals or vulnerable missing persons and the dog will bark to notify the handler that he has found someone. This is introduced with the dog on a lead chasing the person ie the helper and the dog barks on reaching the helper and is rewarded with a toy.

Pictured above is Puppy walker Paul and his dog Arry looking very mature and impressive for a dog not quite 7 months old in the early stages of person searching.

We then held a fun competition on an indoor agility course incorporating various obstacles and ramps with penalties for missing obstacles or not completing them properly. It was a joint tie between Argo and Arry who both completed the course with no penalty points.

Over the Xmas period Argo sliced his pad which required stitching and the need to wear an Elizabethan collar to stop him pulling off his dressing. I am not sure from the picture of Argo whether he is depressed or is deep in thought as to how he is going to get the dressing off.

While we were training at Exmouth I was rung by Angie Collins who is puppy walking Jack a 20 month old German Shepherd ( pictured here with my daughters Cocker spaniel) to inform me that Jack had just swallowed a very expensive £18000 diamond from a diamond ring off her dresser. I wished her luck in her task which was to sieve Jacks Poo’s until it resurfaced.

I received a text from Angie on Christmas day to say the diamond had duly arrived in his latest Poo. For the full story visit the BBC news Dog swallows £18,000 wedding ring.

Xmas at our house with the B litter was hectic mainly because of the atrocious weather meant we couldn’t get them outside and had to give them the run of the house to give them something to do.

 They are pictured here being supervised by mum Molly on Christmas morning.

At 1pm  the pups decided it was time to come over the lower board to have their Xmas lunch. 

The pictures above shows them having Xmas lunch in 2 sittings.

They finally ventured out of the house on Friday 27 Dec and they are pictured here stopping at the steps deciding whether it was safe to proceed further.

Finally at the end of the day getting ready for lights out can you spot all 8 pairs of eyes. 

At last they have finally crashed out and I am off to bed see you guys in the morning.

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