Wednesday 1 March 2017

Update on how all of the 12 Pups In Our Puppy Training Program are getting on

Oscar, Ozzie And Ollie Attend Their First Training Session

Our 3 latest additions to the program 12 week old brothers Oscar, Ozzie and Ollie attended their first training session last Sunday. We waited until their inoculations were up to date and this was their first meeting since they were allocated to their puppy walkers 4 weeks ago.

The pups will be developed in readiness for the January 2018 Initial Police dog course.

We kept their first session reasonably short with an introduction to the ramps and tunnel.

We obviously do not do any agility until they are much older because of their growing joints but we find the ramps and tunnel does help to build self-confidence.

Next we introduced the pups to their first focus session incorporating the sit, down and an introduction to heelwork using tasty liver and garlic treats

It was my intention to introduce the pups to their first tracking session but they were obviously beginning to get tired and so we called a halt to a very enjoyable get together. It was then time to say goodbye until our next session in 2 weeks’ time.

Our German Imports Tag, Tara And Tammy ( Helga ) Now 5 Months Old Are All Doing Well Since Arriving In January 2017

This was their second training session since arriving from Germany in early January and as you can see they are all looking in great condition. Typical of the German shepherd Tag on the left is already forming a bond with 8 year old Marina. Tara is centre and Tammy on the right.

We started with a session on the tunnel and ramps in readiness for the Devon county show when most of the pups will feature over the 3 days.

We then introduced them to article searching in the long grass. The pups are held on a line while they see an article thrown into the grass and they are then sent to search for it. At this stage the line is to prevent the pup running off with the article. Tag is pictured here searching with excellent concentration

We don’t expect a retrieve at this stage. Once the pup locates the article which at this stage is something soft and pleasant such as a glove or rolled up sock we go hand over hand to the pup and play a tug game. We also get the pup to release the toy on command and the release is rewarded with the article being thrown again.

Here is Tara very proudly having located a glove

We also looked at their reaction to walking into the field and being confronted with an unusual object. This tells me about their boldness and general confidence. Tara went straight up to the figure with no fear whatsoever.

Tag and Tammy were equally confident.

Next we did some work on their sit’s, down’s and heelwork.

We then did some puppy tracking using food drops and all the early indications are that all 3 pups have natural tracking ability and will enjoy their tracking work. Here is Tag showing excellent concentration and as always young Marina wasn’t far behind.

Still early days but Tag, Tara and Tammy look excellent prospects.

The D Litter Proudly Wear Their Rainbow Laces And Prepare For The Devon County Show Closely Supervised By Their Mum Sasha On Our Last Training Session

On our training session 2 weeks ago all the D litter attended HQ and showed their support for # RainbowLaces acceptance without exception @DCP_LGBT. In between all the showers we all had a great training day.

From left to right are Daisy, Danno, Donna, Dizzi, Duke, and Devon

The pups were 9 months old on the 24th of February and are starting to look the part as evidenced by Devon pictured here with Anthony arriving for training

One of the obvious features of this litter is their natural ability to follow a human trail as evidenced here by Daisy

All the pups have it and they have clearly inherited this from their father Lenny.

Here is Jerry arriving with Donna and demonstrating the ability to get Donna to remain calm until the lead is attached and he gives her the release command for her to get out of the vehicle.

I took the opportunity to gun test the dogs while they were playing with their owners. A dog that is affected by sound will not resume play after hearing the gunfire and it was very pleasing to see that the dogs were completely neutral to the sound

We then introduced the dogs to person searching. This is started with the dog chasing the person into a room and when he barks he/she is rewarded with their toy. Danno was well up for this game.

At this week’s training session we concentrated on article searching, tracking, bite work, and the agility equipment in preparation for the Devon County show.

On the article search exercise there was a prize for the best search and retrieve. Eamon didn’t take the trophy but Daisy didn’t care she loved the game.

I gave the trophy to Mitzi and Danno.

We all then went down to practise on the ramps and tunnel. We are still a bit rusty but it was a very good effort considering we haven’t done this for months.

We may not be a centre of excellence just yet but who cares the puppy walkers and dogs are having a good time.

We finished with an introduction to criminal work. We achieve this by getting the dogs excited over a moving bite tugger and then allow them to bite this. We eventually replace this with a bite sleeve which the criminal will wear.

At the end of the session Sasha ( Front centre)  the mother of the D litter joined all of her pups for a photograph.

I'm sure you would agree the D litter are looking fantastic. He are the teams who attended this Sunday.

Well that is an update on all of the pups. Next week I will update you on how the current Initial Police dog course is going.
Today I finally handed my beloved Lenny over to his new handler Sgt Ali Cruwys and he will finish the remainder of the course with Ali.

I must admit I have found this really tough but as closely bonded as we are he is a dog born to work..

Here he is on the left with Rudi on the right.
I will now run Rudi on as insurance for the September 2017 Initial Police dog course but hopefully he will not be required.

Bye for now.

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